Sunday, May 11, 2008

In Honor Of Mom

"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie." Tenneva Jordan

When I read this quote a couple of years ago, I thought immediately of my Mom. This is the sort of thing she would do, just to make it fair for us kids. I knew this also exemplified the kind of mother I wanted to be. When there is just enough cake to split between two kids, I declare I am not in the mood for cake.

Last weekend, my Mom made blackberry pie. Now, for our family, this is the Holy Grail of pies. The little wild blackberries are very hard to find, almost as prized as gold. I have been berry picking with my Mom, it is hard work, and she never wants to stop. There is always one more good spot over the next rise!

She made the pie, and at the end of the night there was just enough leftover to give six slivers of heaven to six people waiting. Yes! Even a tiny piece is much wanted and appreciated.

My daughter got her pie, moved to walk away from the table, when disaster struck. Her pie slid right off her plate onto the ground. I instantly said, "She can have my piece." After all, I am her Mom, I won't eat pie when she doesn't have any.

My Mom trumped me though....she is Mom and Grandma, and my daughter and I both had a piece of pie while my Mom did not.

And that is one of the million reasons why I love her. 5 pieces of pie for six people, and I got to have one of those pieces.

Thanks Mom. And not just for the pie! Although it was super fantastically good!!

1 comment:

  1. I think I might be mad. When did you have blackberry pie and why wasn't I invited. Hmmm? I have to wait another year before I get to have more banana cream pie!
