Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tis The Season For Cherries

Cherries are my all time favorite summer fruit.

And I love Rainer cherries most of all.

The season for Rainers is so short! And they tend to be expensive.

This year, I decided life is too short itself to worry about whether I should spend $5 on a pound of cherries or wait until they go on sale.

The answer is YES. Yes I should buy my favorite cherries any chance I can.

I've gotta tell you, that has been the best decision I've made.

When we didn't have too much sunshine, I still could munch on some cherries and know without a doubt that it is summer.

I just bought 2 pounds of Rainers from my daughters fundraiser sale. I stood in the kitchen munching and thought, well, there are much worse things I could be spending my money on and eating as I stand over the sink.

But right now, I can't think of anything that is more delicious than these cherries!


  1. Michelle: I came across your blog in a very random way and I LOVE IT! We have a lot in common - I too love cherries (Bing being my favourite), I could eat pizza three times a day, seven days a week, I'm an avid reader, etc etc etc. Love your writing style too. Regards, Rosemarie D'Amico (

  2. Are they organic? I would love some cherries! :)
