Tuesday, November 27, 2012

'Tis The Season For Chaos

There is that space of time, between the tree decorating and the moment the rest of the house is decorated, that is pure chaos.....
 The tree looks lovely....
The rest of the house is stacked with boxes.
I'm not proud of this mess, but I'm sure not moving very fast to get it sorted and put away!


  1. Your tree looks very pretty! :)

  2. Blessed, blessed chaos. Bring it on. Nothing like a little chaos, here and there, among friends.

  3. Pretty tree! And don't worry - - you're not alone. We ALL have stacks of boxes this time of year!!!

  4. I could have written this same post! And I have piles of "theme" ornaments set out to put on wire trees that are still in the garage and I have an army of nutcrackers that I swear have multiplied since last year!

  5. I finally got the boxes put away, but that's because I started weeks ago.
    Lovely tree.

  6. Ug. Boxes. When I moved to Manila, I must have thrown away 40 boxes worth of stuff I thought I just had to save. Now I travel lightly and thankfully have no boxes to unpack, tote around, or have my cats play in. lol

    Where did you "steal" that tree? lol

  7. Ooooo, I'm all excited now. My boxes come out of the loft this weekend and the tree will be chosen on Saturday (eeeeecckkkkkkk excited)

  8. Ah, holiday chaos--the very best kind.
