Saturday, August 11, 2012

Today Is The Day For Procrastination

August 11 is a very nice day, but I'm not in any hurry to get it done with, partly because it is my birthday and birthday's should be savored and partly because I'm just not ready.

My Mom can tell it best, how 38 years ago that back ache was really labor and I appeared to be in no hurry to get down to the business of being born.

My husband could tell you that I still appear to be in no hurry to get down to the business of anything.  And since we leave for our family vacation today, and I'm still not even close to ready, I think he would be right.

Procrastination took root in me early and has flourished!

Especially on such a nice day like today, being rushed just doesn't seem right.  I will enjoy my birthday breakfast and I will supervise last minute packing, and when we hit the road (probably closer to 10 than I care to admit), there will be nothing left to procrastinate and I can just relax and enjoy a very nice day.

Today is the day indeed!


  1. Happy birthday! I'm also an August baby (the 19th). It's a great month to be born, isn't it? ;)

    I hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michelle!
    Wishing you many blessings and a wonderful vacation!

  3. Happy Birthday to you!!

    I hope you managed to enjoy you breakfast and here's to a relaxing holiday (there should be no rushing on birthday's or holiday's so that is doubled when you have both on the same day!!)

  4. Without procrastination, how would I get that adrenaline rush of getting things done just under the wire?

    Hope you enjoy your vacation! And hope you had a happy (non-rushed) birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday !! Mine's the 29th - great month to be born!
    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  6. Happy Birthday!! Have a great birthday vacation!! :)
