Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So That's How I Was On Time To Work

Monday dawned fresh and crisp and I dragged myself out of bed, got the three people and the three dogs that make up my family out of their beds and started everyone's day.

I likened the Monday morning to getting into a cold water pool. You just got to jump in.

So I jumped in. Coffee was made, breakfast was eaten, hubby and kids went off to Seattle for their errands/adventures and I got ready for work.

I'm usually running a little late. I tend to sit too long with my last cup of coffee and read one more chapter in my book. But on Monday I was doing just fine.

I was breakfasted, dressed, lunch packed, hair dried and keys in hand and was at work on time. I was feeling very proud of myself.

Until I went into the restroom an hour later. As I washed my hands I looked at my face in the mirror. Oh. Oh. OH.

So that's how I was on time for work. No make up on at all. I skipped that whole step entirely. Now, I'm famous for not bothering with make up on a day to day basis. I think I look good without it.

But for work, I love to have a little mascara on. A little powder, a little eye shadow.

I learned something on Monday. The only way I'm on time for work is if I don't do one thing. Thank goodness it was just make up. Next time it could be arriving to work in my slippers.

Now that would be ghastly.

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