Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Waiting For The Windshield Guy

In preparation for our beach trip, I asked my husband to pretty please set up a time for our windshield to be replaced. It had gone from a tiny crack to a huge, embarrassing, sight hindering, blemish, and there was no way I was going to drive 6 hours with it that way.

There is nothing like waiting till the last minute, and that is of course, what my family likes to do.  So here I sit, two days before we leave, waiting for the windshield guy.

I've got a four hour window to wait and three dogs who live for scaring the beejesus out of visitors and a preschool graduation I am missing.

I have used this time for loads of laundry, vacuuming the couches, cleaning the kitchen, planning a minimal mess dinner (tonight we grill!), and making my famous planning/packing/prepping lists.

Still, there are a lot more things I'd rather be doing, number one being watching two little nephews do their end of the year preschool program.  I think it's the same program I have seen for the last few years, but it is still adorably cute and the boys are charming and sweet and I am missing it very much!


  1. Does it seem like we are always waiting for something?? Hope your windshield guy gets there soon!

  2. Yay for getting the windshield fixed! Here's to hoping it gets done soon ..

  3. Sadly, he did arrive, but since it was pouring down rain and I do not have a garage to park in, he couldn't replace it. His tent was too small to give him adequate coverage. I guess I will play the waiting game tomorrow too, but this time he will be back with a bigger tent. I hope!
