Thursday, August 16, 2012

10 Things I Love About Him

1. His perfect baby hair swirled cowlick on the center of his forehead has grown out.  When I see his hair flop towards his eyes, I am always amazed.  That cowlick meant business.
2. He is so funny and creative and he always makes me laugh.  Tacked to the bulletin board is a drawing of an octopus with the words "Historically Truthful Account of Octopi" and every time I see it, I chuckle.
3. He taught himself to play guitar and impresses me with the tunes I hear him strumming.
4. He is passionate about movies and loves to find obscure films, watch them over and over, get the family to watch too, and analyze every detail.
5. He has a kind heart.  He is nice to little cousins and pain in the rear dogs.
6. He's not embarrassed to hug or to be told "I love you" in front of friends.
7. He is a snazzy dresser, his style is his own and he rocks it.
8. He is so like me, sometimes it's like gasoline and a lit match, but more times than not, it is PB&J.
9. He's filled my house with boys and made my old dreams of having six kids underfoot a reality.
10.  Seventeen years ago today, he made me a mom and changed my life for the best.  I held him in my arms, looked at my husband and said, "I am falling in love." I never knew it would feel like this, but I am oh so glad it does.

Happy Birthday David!


  1. Happy birthday to your amazing life-changing firstborn!

  2. Is it possible to love a family you've never met? Your son sounds like a truly wonderful person. Happy birthday to him!

    PS - My son has the same spiral cowlick in the middle of his forehead. I'll be interested to see if his grows out, too.

  3. Beautiful post!

    I hope your son had a wonderful birthday.
