Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Eve Is Too Late For Me

I've never been a staying up late kind of gal.

I was usually the first to fall asleep at slumber parties.

My kids tease me because when the sun sets, I'm ready for bed.

So it comes as no surprise that New Years Eve is my arch nemesis!

I love the idea of staying up to usher in the new year. I love the food, the movies, the games, the sparling cider in fancy glasses, the kids going outside with Grandma to bang pots and pans and yell greetings to the start of the new year.

I hate the actual time that makes it. Midnight. It's so late! And even if I stay up late on occasional nights, New Years Eve and it's expectations of late night revelry, means that I am yawning at 7:30. Yawns so wide my eyes water and I feel my brains turning sleep stupid. Clever word games are beyond me (although I still say the Burbs was a good answer for things that have numbers!) and I'm counting down the hours long before I count down the minutes.

I'm drinking cups of reheated coffee and trying to stay awake.

All for that magical moment when we all shout "Happy New Year", clinking glasses and exchanges hugs and looking eagerly to the future, the new year full of bright shiny hope.

2011 is off to a great (if tired) start!

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