Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rain Is A Good Thing

As I was exercising inside this morning, listening to the rain fall outside and the country music video's blare on the TV, I heard a tribute song to rain.

Huh. Rain is a good thing?

Maybe if I lived in a hot, dry area I would appreciate that idea more. Because as of right now, I live in a soaking wet, cold place, where even halfway through June I am still wearing my winter pajamas to bed because of the chill!

But then later, I looked out my window as I drank my coffee (with cream because I need a bit of happiness and light on this gloomy day), I thought my garden looks great. Usually around this time, when the summer days get warmer and warmer, I forget to water my flower beds and they dry up and look like a waste land. Not so this year. The dirt is dark and moist and the flowers are all stretching high to the sky.

My veggie garden also looks fantastic (but it often does because my hubby likes to water that). All the new, green leaves of lettuce, peas, squash and zucchini are glistening with rain drops and they look lovely.

Rain is a good thing. It is. I just need about a 10 day break from it! Give me a little sunshine, a chance to wear my flip flops, and no need to put on flannel pajamas and I will be a happy camper!

It would also be very nice not to have to dry off a certain little puppy who loves to be outside in any weather. She is perpetually damp, in spite of my efforts to rub her dry.

And, our house smells a lot like wet dog. So, you know. A bit of dry weather would be appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. I agree on the plants. My yard is only continuing to look so good because of the rain. But I would love some sun to wear some of my new summer skirts!
