Thursday, July 14, 2011

Record Breaking Motivation

I love my Wii Fit. I know I've said it before, but I will say it again. I love it. It got me through the winter when it was too cold and wet and dark and kind of creepy to be out walking by myself.

The first few days after it came, the whole family played on it. But then for the last 190 days I have been the only person using it.

The only person setting records, getting the top scores.

Suddenly, my kids have taken a liking to my Wii and my records are being broken.

Oh. No. They. Didn't.

Turns out, I've got a bit of competitiveness in me that I have not acknowledge before today. That is my Wii, that is my high score, and gosh darn it, I'll just have to work harder.

But, did my son say he just unlocked the 90 second plank?


Okay. Some things they can keep the top score on. I barely make it through 30 seconds of the plank position!

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