Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Joy Of Being Dry

One fantastic thing about my husband's work change is he does not have to leave the house until 9:30.  So he has plenty of time to walk with me and the dogs in the morning, and still go for his run after that.  His being willing to walk with me in the dark creepy early mornings has made a difference in whether I walk or I Wii.

And while I firmly believe in not having New Year's Resolutions, I did decide to pull my big girl panties up, and walk more.  Rain or wind, cold or only slightly cold, I'll be out walking in the mornings.

Today I popped my head outside to see what the weather was like.  Raining.  Huge, fat plops of rain, but it didn't seem to be too heavy.  My husband and I harness the wild dogs, and put on hats for ourselves and take off.

And it is good.

For a mile.  Then the rain started coming down harder and faster in that last half mile, and we were soaked to the skin by the time we made it back home.  Shoes and socks, pants, coats saturated through to shirts, drips rolling off the brim of hats.  We hang the coats and set our shoes by the heat vents to dry, we towel off the dogs and two out of three of them appreciate the drying off.

Then I can peel off my wet clothes and pull on warm, dry ones.  There is that moment of bliss when clammy skin is suddenly encased in warmth.  Ah.....the joy of being dry!

I said I wasn't going to walk to work in this deluge, but since my son needed to drive the car to school today, I suppose I will Mom up and walk.  It's only half a mile.  How wet can I get?

Very.  I better pack dry clothes to change into!


  1. Okay, fine. You are making me feel guilty. I used to walk to work every day. 2 miles. Used to. I think I need to get my mom on and walk to work again. Thanks, Michelle.

  2. Love the "Mom up" expression!
    and I like walking in the rain. But not too much rain :)
