Monday, March 19, 2012

Starvation Times Dinner

My kids refer to the end of a paycheck, haven't had time to go the commissary yet, throw together whatever we have on hand into a meal, as starvation times dinners.

Are we starving?  Nope.  Tonight we had the last of the eggs and bacon and homemade biscuits (made by my daughter who asked me how does Grandma make her biscuits so darn good, and I had to say I have No Idea).  Did we have butter?  Not really.  Did we have honey?  Nope.

We just added those items to our grocery list, along with toilet paper and peanut butter and laundry soap....and I think I will try to hit the store tomorrow after work!


  1. I can look in our pantry or fridge and say there's nothing to eat - my husband will look on the same pantry/fridge and prepare a delicious meal - I love that!

  2. I love the Starvation Times Dinners - not that we're starving either. I just take it as a personal challenge to make something complete and nutritious (and hopefully tasty!) out of whatever is in the cupboards. It usually ends up being bacon and eggs for us, too!

  3. There are many times when, after I shopped at Kroger, I'm sure they have to close the store to restock the shelves. I'm headed to the store today after work. I like that term "Starvation Times Dinner" Funny! My kids refer to such meals are "recipes" Which makes no sense, I know. I trust means Mom is cooking without a recipe using whatever is left on the shelf. I like the bacon, eggs and biscuit suppers.

  4. My daughter thinks we're always in Starvation Times--there's no pleasing her as far as I can tell because no matter how full the cupboards and fridge are, she always, always, always says there's "no food" in the house. But what she really means is there's no food for people to lazy to actual prepare stuff because I don't buy much "convenience" food. It's a raging battle. ;)

  5. I feel like we actually have been in Starvation Times lately. Not that we are starving, but being...careful. And just using what we have on hand. I made a darn good pasta and veggie dish last night. I love the Barilla Plus pasta because it has protein. Anyway, more than you wanted to know, but I like the term "Starvation Times."
